Obtain Video Specifications

The standard specifications for Obtain dictate the platform's capabilities for working with a variety of file types and formats. For any specific requirements outside of these standards, users can opt for Custom Plans.

Regarding input videos used for editing, the platform supports both mp4 and mov formats. As for app icons, users have two options: they can either provide a link to a page in the App Store or Google Play, or upload the icon themselves. The supported formats for uploading include jpg, jpeg, png, and gif.

When exporting files, the platform always saves them in mp4 format. Users can select the desired file resolution based on their needs.

For detailed information on the standard specifications, please refer to the details below:

Input video file formats

mp4 or mov

Input video aspect ratios

Obtain’s templates will adapt to any aspect ratio of the input videos

Input file size

within 500MB

Output video file formats


Output video resolution

1080x1920, 1080x1350, 1080x1080, 1920х1080

App icon image file format

Aspect Ratio: 1:1
jpg jpeg png, gif
Or it can be automatically uploaded by the link to the App Store or Google Play page

Video duration

15, 30 sec

Output file naming
